Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strawberry Loves Lemon

The popsicle madness in my life is apparently just beginning! And I guess it's the right time, as there's inspiration everywhere. Avocado popsicles sound so refreshing, and I can't wait for peach season to start so I can make these (I could just go to the store, but peaches straight from a farm taste infinitely better). In the meantime, I happened to have a whole bag of lemons and a pint of strawberries. Out of that came:
strawberry lemonade popsicles consumed for breakfast (note the epic morning light!)
and a sweet little glass of strawberry lemonade.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am in full-on summer mode. Got myself:
  • a shorts tan from all the outside strolling
  • a month pass to the swimming pool (after that I'll be in Arlington, so I'll have to hunt down a pool there)
  • SPF everything!
  • popsicle molds and some recipes at the ready (yup, that's a creamsicle pop made with some O.J., Greek yogurt, and honey)
  • new sandals to go trekking through yo' lawn!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New and Old

Soon I'll be heading out of this town I've called home for the last ten years and rooting myself in a busy little city two hours further north. I'm nervous and excited and am already plotting how to make my experience there the kind I want it to be. My first step towards building a home is finding a home. High rises make me anxious, so those are out. Actual houses are maybe a bit too much responsibility right now (not to mention a little out of the budget), so those are out as well. So in comes this:
Thank God for garden apartments. I'm hoping it all works out and that I haven't just cursed myself, but if it does work out and the curse didn't stick, then more pictures will be coming in the future.

Now for the old. Or the newer-ish stuff from an old favorite (or old favorites--Michael Jackson and Little Wings).