Monday, October 19, 2009

The Home that Spite Built

I'll be heading up to Boston for a quick visit in a couple days, and while I was doing research on what sites to see, I came upon the Skinny House which apparently falls under the category of a spite house (a house actually built with the intention to piss someone off). Once I saw that, I instantly fell down the internet rabbit hole and found that there are numerous cute but mean-spirited houses out there, such as:
the Spite House of Arlington, Virginia,

the Montlake Spite House of Seattle,

and the Alameda Spite House (via the lensfare).

Now for a pick-me-up, let's just look at these beautiful Tumbleweed homes that slightly resemble spite houses but really are just eco-friendly and lovely.

You can just feel the love pouring out of these homes.

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