Saturday, January 30, 2010

snow way

i had all sorts of plans set for today, errands and shopping and groceries, the works! but when i peeped my head out of bed and saw the snow piling up the side of my window, i decided to just clear the day. so after lurking over the balcony on a dog fight and people's feeble attempts to move their cars, i crept back into my cave and brought out my unseasonably bright kitchen aid. i whipped up some cookies to cure the cabin fever, but now my head is full of all sorts of kitchen aid possibilities. cakes, mashed potatoes, cakes! i have also come to the conclusion, that while there are hundreds of thousands of chocolate chip recipes that exist, some rustic and some fancy shmancy frou frou business, you just can't beat the recipe on the back of the nestle tollhouse bag. it's just so right.

of course i haven't cleaned up or done anything useful, but i did find out how to make corn nuts, watched half of cool hand luke, and played 3 small sessions of borderlands. my most productive snow day so far this year. i should be catching up on all this couture stuff, but if i see another re-post of pictures from, i might have to ban myself from my google reader. in other news, the apartment below us is getting me high off of their weed smoking that is wafting through my floorboards.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

so so def

sometimes when i'm standing at work, i literally think i might end it all if i have to listen to another pumped up remix on steriods. and then sometimes they play nice things like phoenix that soothes my pop love, or dirty projectors, that fools me into thinking the place is kinda legit for a second. i'll take what i can get.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

oh she may be weary

i am so beat. after having worked 24 hours, i feel like i now truly understand the meaning of the word exhaustion. so i'm giving myself a pass card for the personal pictures today, but i do have some nice things via swissmiss that would perk up any tired soul such as mine.

tea sub & cocoa clouds. or you could put them in your coffee and sing 'you're so vain'.

Emirates, Unite!

This is my second trip out to Dubai, and while it would never have made it onto my list of places to see before I die, it does hold a special place in my heart. There's such a mix of extremes here: the poor and the filthy rich, impressive metal structures popping up down the street from historic sites, (middle) east and the west, etc. And the diversity of cultures you run into here is amazing, to say the very least. I've been advised on how to wear a keffiyeh to convey certain meanings ("tying it around your waist means you're ready to roll!"), how to bargain properly ("start at half the offering price, but be ready to walk away"), and what Pakistani literature to check out (Muhammad Iqbal and Quratul ain Haider), but just being able to hear people's stories is worth the trip. That's always the best part about traveling.

abras on the Dubai Creek

a friend exploring the Historical Buildings Restoration Section

checking out the candies, pistachios, and such near the perfume souq (the unsmiling man was actually very nice)

financial district

in Bur Dubai

the Tower of Babel (or the Burj Khalifa)

Monday, January 25, 2010

rainy days and mondays

perhaps in spite of this recent cold, rainy, gruesome january weather, i went ahead and picked up some shoes for spring in hopes of willing it further along. the alligator is additional backup.

Friday, January 22, 2010


somedays you just have to do a whole list of nothingness and more nothingness. like paint your nails 5 different colors, or eat a giant marshmallow stuffed peanut butter cup while watching netflix instant (big fan and world's greatest dad, total suckfest).

this picture shows the atrociousness of my nails, but it's the color that counts! jade, purple, peach, blue, and some kinda hot pink. they're like jellybeans.




it's party time!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

hump day

today i had the day off! so aside from sleeping for almost twelve hours and downing a giant peanut butter cup for breakfast, i did manage to get a little bit of my housework in order. some paperwork here, a little blog catch up there, and i was ready to head out! but all i really managed to do was hit up one thrift store (or as my grandma says, the thrifty store, which i like better anyways), but i made out pretty good so i'm still rather pleased.

exhibit a:

some peachy silky shorts that need a bit of taking in, and a paper thin levi's cotton shirt. my original plan for the thrift store was to make out with some good thin tees, but i'll take a blue collared shirt instead. the peachy shorts aren't as impressive hung up and all big like that, but the kicker were the feathers dotted all over the fabric. who would get rid of these!

exhibit b:

a fairly unimpressive grey pocket shirt, but to the touch it's pretty buttery, which is my weakness. besides, a person can never have too many basics. i also managed to snag a flouncy, bohemian skirt that sits nicely high up on my waist. the slightest hint of spring time, and i'll be living in this and some nice high sandals. hopefully i can snap some shots of my goods in action. and hopefully they turn out better than my bf's and i's attempt at keeping our orchid alive. rip.

not a thrift store purchase, but a recent one. i paroused american apparel with no luck, but i figured i'd give their new nailpolish a go. i've yet to try it out, but the faux-chanel-jade shade is promising. i'll paint the dinosaurs too.

i'm spent.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


this is what happens when i have my 5am mornings for work. i get dressed in the dark and slop on some mess that feels comfy but LOOKS comfy if you catch my drift. the dress was the closest thing i could find to an oversized shirt this morning, but that cardigan is like comfort food in cloth form. i could live in it. (don't be alarmed by my pale knobby knees, i had tights on previously)

completely under the radar in the picture, but i tried to be a little fancy with my gold bow clips.

in these past few weeks of the dry, cold winter my skin has been getting a serious ass-whoopin, so this bottle of tonique is my last attempt at regulatin' on my face. i'll update with the hopefully positive results. or a face rash. whichever.

Monday, January 18, 2010

click clack

in a state of boredom that far surpasses any i have felt in recent months, i started poking around the apartment looking for something fun to fill up my time (yet lacks any energy exertion, i.e. cleaning or exercising, whose fun factors can be debated). and after deciding against baking cookies and conducting a search for new music, up pops ze bf's camera and here i am. a few weeks post-new year's, and i've finally pinned down some resolutions for myself. 1) while i enjoy the pilfering of other people's images, my pilferage must be brought down to a minimum 2) in keeping with resolution 1, i'm going to set myself at a pace of at least 1 picture every other day for 2010. even if it sucks. which they might. but i feel like, with my happy little life, i forget about the little things, and take advantage of it with these silly bouts of boredom and angst. so wa lah. my pictures will be silly and amateur and blurry, but s'okay.

i obviously don't know how to work the camera's timer (much less the camera), and yes, that is the only mirror in my apartment which i had to fanaggle on top of my plastic ikea chair, but it'll do for now. nothing fancy, but consider it a kickoff. a small cluster of favorites: my new favorite dumpy sweater, my favorite hairclips, in front of my new favorite blanket, in my favorite room in the apartment. and a quick snap of my desk: magazines, potato chips, butter cookies, and to counter my junk food, an empty oj glass and my mutivites. fuel!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


i'm typically not a huge logo tee person. BUT! i am a very enthusiastic supporter of all things t-shirt and grey. so if that means i have to sport a logo from time to time, i'm okay with that. but with this 'radarte' shirt, i throw my hands up. not only do i love the t-shirt factor and the heathered grey, but the words 'radarte' boldly stamped across the chest are my exact feelings for the designer pair. i haven't been this serious about having a tshirt since receiving my first polobear tshirt at christmas. rad.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

baby big man!

just what i needed. so good!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jet Lag, Soon To Come

In a week, I'll be jetting out to Dubai yet again. While I have no intention of checking out the largest skyscraper in the world, I do hope to eat my weight in Indian, Pakistani, Afghani, and Iranian food. And it'll be wonderful to get out of this freezing weather.

The upcoming trip, my annoyance at yet more snow, and my New Year's resolutions about travel plans for 2010 have got me thinking back on my summer trip to Spain. I thought I'd post some of my favorite pictures and get all nostalgic for sunburn, tapas, figs and mascarpone ice cream, and watching the running of the bulls while downing cafe con leche.

At El Rastro in Madrid

Heading out of the Plaza Mayor



Tuesday, January 5, 2010