Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cowichan Sweater

So, I did it. I made that quintessential kitschy sweater that seems to solidify knitterly dorkdom, but whatever. I love this thing.

It took me almost a year to make, even though it really only took a couple days. It's just that there were those months in between those days during which no effort was being put into this sweater. I even got to the point where I was considering just using the yarn for some other knitting project--I lost my way. But only for a little bit. Somehow I got back on the right path towards this cowichan sweater.

And I have this thing where I like to reflect on what I was doing/what I was thinking when I made one project or another. So for this, here are the sweater shoutouts, without which none of this would be possible.
1. Thanksgiving vacation from work, including the bus ride down to my parents' house.
2. Radiolab
3. Howl's Moving Castle
4. Marwencol
5. A Charlie Brown Christmas: The Original Soundtrack

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